Red-tail Land Conservancy, in conjunction with numerous other Muncie community organizations, is hosting a Spring Celebration Month throughout the month of April, 2013. The goal of this Spring Celebration is to inform and educate the public about nature and the environment by promoting and encouraging the community to get outdoors and enjoy spring. Several organizations have gotten involved including the Robert Cooper Audubon Society, Cardinal Greenway, Flatland Resources, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Muncie-Delaware Clean and Beautiful.
The idea for a Spring Celebration came to Red-tail Land Conservancy while looking at a calendar of scheduled events. It was noticed that several major events were to take place during the month of April, events which were designed to encourage members to be outside enjoying the beauty of nature. It was also noticed that other organizations were all hosting events of a similar nature, and with some collaboration Spring Celebration Month was born.
All events will be open to the public; however there may be admittance fees which are determined by each organization. See the below calendar for more information on each event, including contact information.
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