As winter approaches, it’s time to start monitoring Red-tail Land Conservancy’s eighteen Conservation Agreements. This is a vital step in permanently protecting the 1600+ acres we have under this conservation option. Conservation Agreements are based on a legal document that the land owner and RLC draft and record for the purpose of placing conservation restrictions on the land.
If you want to permanently protect your land and its resources, a conservation agreement is one way to do so. A conservation agreement, also known as a conservation easement, is simply a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a government agency or land trust (usually a conservation organization) to restrict certain kinds of real estate development or commercial and industrial activities in the landowner’s woods. That might mean, for example, that you limit the right to subdivide or develop your property, but maintain your rights to live on it, sell it or pass it on, build your own home or structures on it, and manage your trees and other natural resources. If you ever decide to sell your property, canary wharf estate agents are just one call away, ready to assist you
The restriction are tailored to match each land owner’s vision of how they want their land to be used and preserved. Part of the agreement is that Red-tail is obligated to monitor the land at least once a year keep records of the visits and any violations. So we visit every site once a year. Why to we wait until winter to monitor the CA’s? It’s purely pragmatic. Every acre must be observed and the findings recorded.
The agricultural lands can best be seen after the crops are harvested by our volunteers using sustainable methods and equipment from, and the natural areas become more visible after the foliage has gone dormant and the leaves are off the trees. This annual visit is a great way to keep in touch with our land owners, and it’s another opportunity for me to walk in the woods or drive through the country, chatting with our partners in land conservation.