Once known as Camp Munsee, this intact upland forest was purchased by Red-tail from the Girl Scouts in 2010. For nearly seventy years, the property served as a camp for young girls to become enamored with nature. It was actively used for camping and overnight stays with a wide variety of activities to teach outdoor skills.
Renamed Munsee Woods, the land is undergoing restoration practices including the planting of hundreds of trees, preservation of the ephemeral wetland and removal of invasive plants. With most of the camp structures removed to allow disturbed soil a chance at growth, the property is returning to a natural state.
Munsee Woods is generally closed to the public to further encourage restoration, but is open for visitation during special events throughout the year.
Visit our Current Conservation Projects page to learn more about restoration efforts at this site.
Acres: 47
Accessibility: Limited to special events
Features: Parking area, hiking trail, lodge, composting toilet
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